血管支架的径向力分布评估 Evaluating the Radial Force Profile of a Stent

医疗设备制造商有责任创造和确保高效且安全的产品,以守护人类的健康。EchoBio LLC公司的Kenneth Perry博士是植入式医疗设备实验验证行业的领导者和专家。最近,Perry博士的一项研究任务是评估用于疏通血管阻塞的编织自膨胀支架的径向力分布。Perry博士特别需要检查径向力从支架末端到支架中间的变化。此定量数据对于支架的正确设计和功能至关重要,并且DIC数字图像相关技术是唯一可在市场上买到的能够以必要的精度提供所需测量值的设备。Perry博士利用VIC-3D系统成功的进行了该测量,这可能会彻底改变医疗器械行业的研究手段。

Medical device manufacturers have the responsibility to create and maintain efficient and safe products to keep the world population healthy. Dr. Kenneth Perry of EchoBio LLC is an industry leader and expert on the experimental validation of implantable medical devices. Recently, Dr. Perry was tasked with evaluating the radial force profile of a braided, self-expanding stent for use in correcting blocked blood vessels. Dr. Perry specifically needed to examine how the radial force changed from the end of the stent to the middle of the stent. This quantitative data is critical to the proper design and function of the stent, and Digital Image Correlation was the only technology commercially available that could provide the measurements needed at the required accuracy. Dr. Perry utilized the VIC-3D system to make such measurements with valiant success that could potentially revolutionize the medical device industry.


Figure 1. Experimental setup using the VIC-3D system


Dr. Perry began his experiments using perfectly straight silicone tubes that were custom made to have mechanical properties similar to a blood vessel. His experimental setup is shown above in Figure 1. The experiment involved deploying the stents into the tubes and measuring the resulting deformation. Dr. Perry knew that any simplified point or line measurement on his samples would have been misleading. This is where the VIC-3D system enters the experiment and provided Dr. Perry with the full field data he needed to be confident in his measurements and publish accurate results for his client.


Figure 2. Speckled silicone tube with stent inserted.


The silicone tube was prepared for the experiment by having a speckle pattern applied by using off the shelf spray paint. The area of interest was masked off and a white base coat applied. The black speckles were then simply added by using an over spray technique with black spray paint. Figure 2 above shows the speckled silicone tube with the stent inserted.


Figure 3. Change in radius contour under load from expanded stent.

对Dr. Perry最有价值的数据就是半径值的变化和由此产生的3D轮廓形貌,因为它清楚地表明最大的力位于支架末端附近。如上图3所示,该3D轮廓形貌图还指示了使用传统的测量技术可能未注意到的较大径向力分布区域。

The change in radius variable and resulting contour plot was the most valuable data for Dr. Perry because it clearly shows the largest force is located near the end of the stent. This contour plot, shown above in Figure 3, also indicates areas of larger radial force that could have gone unnoticed using traditional measurement techniques.


Figure 4. 3D change in radius contour plot showing displacement vectors.


Not only did Dr. Perry obtain full-field displacement data, he was also able to easily quantify the radial force profile of the stent and show the circumferential variation that resulted from the underlying woven stent structure.  Figure 4 above shows the displacement vectors of the stent in a full-field 3D contour plot. The displacement vectors show the magnitude of the resulting deformation which allows Dr. Perry to easily interpret the data as well as publish professional results for his client. The VIC-3D system gave Dr. Perry the ability to measure with confidence.


用户感言 Testimonial


“ Vic-3D是一个了不起的工具。 由于任何简化成直线或逐点的测量都将对分析结论产生误导,只有Vic-3D能够提供我们所需的可信任的全场数据测量结果。”

“Vic-3D was an amazing tool. Any simplified line or point-wise measurement would have been misleading. Vic-3D gave us full-field data we needed to be confident with the measurements.” -Dr. Kenneth Perry, ECHOBIO LLC


“We needed robust calibration, documentation and high-fidelity measurements so we designed our experiment accordingly using the VIC-3D system.”



大鼠胫骨前肌运动的研究 Study Rat Tibialis Anterior Muscle Movements


生物力学研究人员正在研究大鼠胫骨前肌在电刺激过程中的收缩运动。 他们期望快速准确地量化整体运动以及局部细节变化的信息。

Biomechanic researchers were studying a rat tibialis anterior muscle in order to characterize its movements during electrical stimulation. It was desirable to quickly and accurately quantify the overall movements, as well as localized variations


技术挑战 Challenges




Because the experiments involved live tissues, conventional gauges were difficult to apply and tended to interfere with the motion under study.  It was important to capture data quickly, and for as many points as possible.  Marker tracking had been used, but provided only gross averages.  It was also time-consuming and tedious for the researchers to process this type of  information.



解决方法 Solution




Correlated Solutions’ VIC-3D system was used to rapidly capture contraction data over the entire muscle surface.  Due to the system’s speed and simplicity, it was possible to make numerous measurements at precisely timed intervals.  There was no interaction with the specimen, and no need to guess which areas would be of greatest interest.


The resulting measurements provided high spatial resolution and made it possible to identify numerous areas where “bunching” of the muscle tissue caused significant variations in muscle contraction.  These areas had not been previously identified with conventional methods.  Finally, all calculations were done automatically.  This saved considerable time and avoided the possibility of human error in the data processing.





相关链接 Links

Click here to see an animation of the 2D plot shown above.

Click here to see an animation of the 3D plot shown above.

Click here to go to the Vic-3D Product Page for more information about this technology.