返回 生物力学应用

在这个动画中,显示了肌肉表面的3D渲染。 颜色轮廓指示肌肉经历的离面运动的值。 请注意,肌肉的顶部和底部边缘所发生的凸起变形,而肌肉的中心区域会在相反(凹下)方向发生变形。

In this animation, a 3D rendering of the muscle surface is shown.  The color contour indicates the amount of out-of-plane motion experienced by the muscle.  Notice that the top and bottom edges of the muscle undergo positive deformations, whereas the center region of the muscle experiences deformations in the opposite (negative) direction.


相关链接 Links

Click here to see an animation of the 2D plot.

Click here to go to the Vic-3D Product Page for more information about this technology.