关于散斑质量 About Speckle Quality
为什么散斑图案质量对我们的测量很重要? Why Is Your Speckle Pattern Important?
理想的散斑图案是高对比度的、散斑点分布是随机的、散斑点尺寸大小是一致的、且试件表面上的黑白分布密度是等量的。 如果满足所有这些条件,则我们的测量关注区可将噪音控制在很低的水平,并且能够以非常高的误差确定度进行跟踪测量。
The ideal speckle pattern is high contrast, contains random speckles, consistent dot sizes, and equal amounts of black and white on the sample’s surface. If all of these conditions are met, the area of interest will produce low levels of noise and may be tracked with very high levels of certainty.
Below is an example of how various speckle patterns can effect measurement noise. The middle pattern was created using a roller from the VIC Speckle Pattern Application Kit, while the patterns on either side were created using spray paint. As you can see, the roller from the speckle pattern kit produces a high contrast pattern with approximately 50% black and white coverage, while the painted pattern produces a lower contrast pattern with inconsistent dot sizes.

图示1: 具有三种不同散斑图案的平板的Z值置信度分析
Figure 1:A relatively flat plate with three different speckle patterns analyzed to show the variable Sigma_Z
图1显示了变量Sigma_Z的二维数据叠加,它是在Z方向上进行测量(离面形状测量)的可置信度。 Sigma值越接近零,所显示的数值就越可能是正确的值。左侧区域图案的对比度低,而且过度细腻,导致Sigma_Z值较大,表明置信度较低。 中间区域显示了较低的Sigma_Z值,这表明对测量具有高置信度。 图中其结果显而易见。
Figure 1 shows a 2D data overlay of the variable Sigma_Z, which is the confidence margin of the measurements taken in the Z direction (out-of-plane shape measurement). The closer Sigma is to zero, the more statistically likely the value shown is indeed the correct value. The outside patterns are low in contrast and overly fine which result in larger Sigma_Z values, which indicates less confidence. The middle pattern shows lower Sigma_Z values, which indicates high confidence in the measurement. The results speak for themselves.

图示2: Sigma_Z的3D图显示了差的散斑导致产生了低置信区间和嘈杂的形状测量结果
Figure 2:The 3D plot of Sigma_Z displays how poor patterns create low confidence margins and noisy shape measurements.
为什么置信度Sigma值很重要 Why Is Sigma Important?
VIC-2D和VIC-3D中的高Sigma值表明较高的测量不确定度,这可能导致形状,位移和应变数据中的测量噪声增加。 如图2所示,两侧区域显示比平整的样本的Z值范围较大,而中心区域显示的偏差较小。
High Sigma values in VIC-2D and VIC-3D indicate higher measurement uncertainty, which can result in an increase in measurement noise in the shape, displacement, and strain data. As Figure 2 shows, the outside patterns show a larger range of Z values of a relatively flat sample, while the center pattern shows much smaller bias.
在下面的图示3中,显示了在刚体转动后变量exx的数据(在X方向上的横向应变),其结果应该是0应变。 而应变云图中显示的应变值范围在两侧外部区域的结果比中心区域高得多,表明两侧局部区域的测量产生了不该存在的应变噪音结果,这会导致不准确的数据。 这可以很好地说明差的散斑图案如何导致噪声影响测量,而好的散斑图案(应用散斑套件)则会产生更好的结果。
In Figure 3 below data for the variable exx (transverse strain in the X direction) is shown for the same plate after a rigid body translation, where there should be zero strain. The range of strain values shown in the contour plot are much higher on the outside patterns than the center pattern. The result shows that the local strain measurements on the outside patterns are more noisy and will produce data that is less accurate. This is a good illustration of how poor speckle patterns can result in noisy measurements, while favorable patterns (applied with the speckle kit) will produce much better results.
By applying the optimal speckle pattern using the VIC Speckle Pattern Application Kit your results will be less noisy and more accurate.

图示3:在刚体偏转后显示的横向应变信息。 由于外侧的散斑质量不佳,板的外侧显示出比板中部高得多的噪声。
Figure 3: Transverse strain is shown after a rigid body translation. The outsides of the plate display a much higher level of noise than the middle of the plate due to the poor speckle patterns.
VIC散斑制备工具将提升您的测量结果 The VIC Speckle Pattern Application Kit Will Improve Your Results:
Correlated Solutions,Inc.公司的VIC散斑制备套件可以帮助测量结果保持非常低的噪声和非常高的DIC测量结果的置信度。 散斑制备套件给予新用户和有经验的DIC用户同等的能力,可以为几乎任何镜头和图像采集器组合的不同尺寸视场创建理想的、可重复的散斑图案。 拥有此功能可以简化试件制备过程,确保重复测试结果的一致性,并配合VIC-2D或VIC-3D系统为所有测量获得始终如一的低应变噪声结果。
The VIC Speckle Pattern Application Kit from Correlated Solutions, Inc. can help produce very low noise and very high confidence results for DIC measurements. The speckle kit allows both new and experienced DIC users to create ideal and repeatable patterns for many fields of view for nearly any lens and sensor size combination. Having this capability can streamline the sample preparation process, ensure consistent patterns for recurring tests, and provide a means to obtain a consistently low strain noise floor for all measurements acquired with your VIC-2D or VIC-3D system.